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Upland Heights Elementary School

Upland Heights Elementary Participate in Mystery Skype

The ‘Mystery Skype’ activity was started four years ago by Regan Lamberson, the Social Studies Coordinator for Frenship ISD. Lamberson heard about a similar activity and decided to write curriculum so that the students at Frenship could get involved. She then searched for a school district of similar size to Frenship in other states that might be interested in participating.  

After some research Lamberson found New Canaan Public Schools in Connecticut. They were eager to develop this project with Lamberson. After that first year, they presented this activity at the National Council for Geography Education conference, where they were able draw in schools from 11 other states into the ‘Mystery Skype’ program.  

The students prepared for the "Mystery Skype" by learning basic map skills and about the regions of the U.S. During the activity students are given roles so that they can work efficiently to guess the other school's location. There were map readers, questioners, researchers, photographers, and the class presenters.  

The classes took turns asking yes or no questions such as: Are you landlocked? Were you a part of the 13 colonies? Do you border an ocean? Do you border Canada? 

After they guessed each other's state, the students shared information and facts about their state and city. The Upland Heights students were worried about saying "y'all" so they practiced not saying that when asking questions!  
