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Upland Heights Elementary School

Texas Bluebonnet

The Texas Bluebonnet Award Program is a state-wide program for students in grades 3-6.
Texas Librarians nominate 20 new books each year from different genres to be on the Bluebonnet list.
Its purpose is to promote free-choice reading and expose students to a
 variety of quality literature.
Be a part of our Bluebonnet Book Club
Students who read at least 5 of the nominated books and complete the review page, are eligible to vote for their favorite book between January 24th and 31st. All voters will be invited to a Bluebonnet Award Celebration in February for the announcement of the winner!
A comprehensive list of resources will be available soon!
Be sure to visit the Texas Library Association's Texas Bluebonnet Award page to read more about this prestigious award.
Check out past winners here.